Silver Linings


3 in stock


The painting titled “Silver Linings” features a beautiful arrangement of red flowers in a white pot, symbolising the love and admiration we have for mother’s on their special day.

The vibrant red flowers stand out against the silver lining background representing the strength and resilience of mothers who face everyday challenges with grace and beauty.

The delicate brush strokes capture the essence of motherhood – nurturing, caring, and unwavering support.  Each petal is carefully painted with love and attention to detail, bringing the bouquet to life on the canvas.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, this painting serves as a poignant reminder of the love and sacrifices they make for us.  It is a heartfelt tribute to all the amazing women out there who fill our lives with joy and hope, like a bright red flower amidst the silver linings of life.

Frame size  (silver)  – 350mm x 450mm


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